Mattress Cleaning And Sanitization

Mattress Cleaning and Sanitization

With over a decade of experience in mattress cleaning and sanitization, Canberra Carpet Services is dedicated to providing the residents of Canberra with the highest quality service. Our team of certified professionals is committed to ensuring your sleeping environment is clean, safe, and comfortable. We pride ourselves on our:

  • Eco-Friendly Approach: Using only the safest and most sustainable cleaning methods.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Our work isn’t finished until you’re completely satisfied.
  • Innovative Techniques: Staying ahead with the latest in cleaning technology.
  • Affordable Prices: Quality service at competitive rates.

Our Mattress Cleaning and Sanitization Services:

Deep Mattress Cleaning:

Our deep mattress cleaning service is designed to penetrate deeply into the fibers of your mattress, removing dirt, stains, and allergens that accumulate over time. This thorough cleaning process involves:

  • Pre-Treatment: We apply a specialized solution to break down stains and dirt.
  • High-Powered Extraction: Using professional-grade equipment, we extract deep-seated dirt and moisture from your mattress.
  • Allergen Removal: Our process eliminates dust mites and other allergens, improving air quality and providing relief to those with allergies and asthma.


  • Extends the lifespan of your mattress
  • Ensures a healthier sleeping environment
  • Restores the appearance and feel of your mattress
Deep Mattress Cleaning
Sanitization Services

Sanitization Services

In today’s world, mattress sanitization is more important than ever. Our sanitization process uses eco-friendly and non-toxic solutions to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi, ensuring your mattress is clean and hygienic. This service includes:

  • Application of Sanitizing Agent: A safe, effective treatment to eliminate pathogens.
  • Safety Assessment: Ensuring the sanitization process is safe for all types of mattresses.
  • Deodorization: Leaving your mattress smelling fresh and clean.


  • Protects against common pathogens
  • Safe for pets and children
  • Peace of mind knowing your mattress is hygienically clean

Stain Removal:

Stains can be an eyesore and a health hazard on a mattress. Our stain removal service tackles everything from minor spots to major stains, including:

  • Targeted Treatment: Specialized solutions for different types of stains, such as blood, urine, and ink.
  • Gentle Cleaning Techniques: Safely removing stains without damaging the mattress fabric.
  • Stain Prevention Advice: Tips on how to protect your mattress from future stains.


  • Restores the aesthetic of your mattress
  • Prevents long-term damage caused by stains
  • Increases the lifespan of your mattress
Odor Elimination

Odor Elimination:

Unpleasant odors can linger in mattresses due to sweat, spills, and other contaminants. Our odor elimination process:

  • Identifies the Source: Finding and addressing the root cause of the odor.
  • Deep Cleaning: Eliminating odors at their source rather than masking them.
  • Refreshes Your Mattress: Leaving your mattress smelling clean and fresh.


  • Creates a more pleasant sleeping environment
  • Removes potential allergens and irritants
  • Enhances the overall cleanliness of your mattress

Dust Mite Treatment:

Dust mites are a common allergen found in mattresses. Our dust mite treatment service:

  • Eliminates Dust Mites: Using techniques that effectively reduce dust mite populations.
  • Prevents Future Infestations: Offering solutions to keep dust mites at bay.
  • Improves Air Quality: Reducing allergens for a healthier sleep.


  • Relief for allergy and asthma sufferers
  • Long-term protection against dust mites
  • Improved sleep quality
Dust Mite Treatment
Pet Hair Removal

Pet Hair Removal:

Pets are part of the family, but their hair can infiltrate mattresses, causing allergies and hygiene issues. Our service:

  • Thorough Vacuuming: Specialized equipment to extract pet hair and dander.
  • Deep Cleaning: Ensuring any residual allergens are removed.
  • Sanitization: To eliminate any pet-related pathogens.


  • Reduces allergy symptoms
  • Keeps your mattress clean and hygienic
  • Enhances the comfort of your sleeping environment

Urine Damage Treatment:

Urine stains and odors can be particularly challenging. Our treatment process:

  • Stain Removal: Effective solutions to remove urine stains.
  • Odor Neutralization: Techniques to eliminate lingering smells.
  • Hygienization: Ensuring the mattress is clean and sanitary.


  • Restores your mattress to a clean, odor-free state
  • Prevents long-term damage from urine stains
  • Ensures a hygienic sleeping environment
Mattress Protection

Mattress Protection:

Protect your investment with our mattress protection services. This includes:

  • Protective Coatings: Application of protective treatments to repel stains and liquids.
  • Advice on Protective Covers: Recommendations for additional physical barriers.
  • Maintenance Tips: Guidance on how to keep your mattress protected long-term.


  • Extends the life of your mattress
  • Keeps your mattress looking and feeling new
  • Saves money on future cleaning and replacement costs

Each of these services is designed to address specific concerns, ensuring your mattress remains clean, comfortable, and conducive to a good night’s sleep.

FAQs on Mattress Cleaning and Sanitization

  1. How often should I have my mattress cleaned?

    • It’s recommended to professionally clean your mattress every 6 to 12 months to maintain optimal hygiene and air quality in your bedroom. Individuals with allergies or pets might consider more frequent cleanings.
  2. Is the mattress cleaning process safe for all types of mattresses?

    • Yes, our cleaning processes are safe for all types of mattresses, including memory foam, innerspring, latex, and hybrid mattresses. We adjust our cleaning techniques to suit the specific materials and construction of each mattress.
  3. How long does the mattress cleaning process take?

    • The entire process typically takes between 1 to 2 hours per mattress, depending on its condition and the specific services requested. Additional time for drying may be required.
  4. Can you remove all types of stains?

    • We can remove most types of stains, including those from spills, urine, blood, and sweat. However, the success rate may vary depending on the age and severity of the stain.
  5. Will mattress cleaning eliminate bed bugs?

    • While our cleaning process can remove allergens and dust mites, a specialized pest control service is recommended for bed bug infestations.
  6. How long does it take for a mattress to dry after cleaning?

    • Most mattresses dry within 6 to 8 hours after cleaning. We recommend ventilating the room to speed up the drying process.
  7. Is the mattress sanitization process harmful to pets or children?

    • No, we use eco-friendly and non-toxic sanitizers that are safe for homes with pets and children. Our products effectively eliminate bacteria and viruses without posing health risks.
  8. What can I do to protect my mattress between professional cleanings?

    • Use a mattress protector, vacuum your mattress regularly, and address spills immediately to prevent stains and odors. Avoid eating in bed to reduce the risk of spills and crumbs.
  9. Do you offer a guarantee on your mattress cleaning services?

    • Yes, we offer a satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied with the results, we’ll re-clean your mattress at no additional charge.
  10. How can I book a mattress cleaning service with you?

    • You can book our mattress cleaning and sanitization services by calling us directly, emailing, or booking through our website. We offer flexible scheduling to fit your busy lifestyle.

For Any Query Please Contact Us !